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February 27, 2025 at 5:35:06 AM
this website is so cool!!! I know a geography nerd who i'll show this to that's gonna LOVE IT
February 17, 2025 at 10:13:06 AM
Your neocities webpage:
hey, love your hand-drawn maps and some of your article ideas
and i couldn't agree more - medium sized cities are just perfect. enjoy visiting romania
i recommend doing so in spring, and visiting the city of Iași (i am from Bucharest and i found this city very enjoyable). the nature parts right south of the mountains are the most stunning, though, in my opinion (look up Măgura Zărnești if you like rolling hills!) have a great day!
February 5, 2025 at 6:29:45 PM
Your neocities webpage:
your maps are so cool! i had no idea there was a little community of people making maps like this.
January 2, 2025 at 2:47:19 AM
Your neocities webpage:
Hello, I saw your message on my guestbook, and wanted to pop in and check out your site as well! I really love the idea you have for your mapmaking software, and have honestly always wanted something similar for a lot of my creative work. That said, I get that it's an ambitious project that may not come to light. Regardless, I do hope that you'll be able to find the resources to create this tool of your dreams someday, and I would absolutely use it if you ever do!
Take care, best of luck on your projects, and happy 2025!
December 26, 2024 at 8:31:01 PM
Your neocities webpage:
Found you from your entry in my guestbook and omg your site is so cute! I love it, keep up the good work <3
December 16, 2024 at 4:02:00 PM
Your neocities webpage:
Hi! This is a bit late but I hadn't realized you had a guestbook lol. Thanks so much for your nice words about my web, and I just wanted to drop in to say that this web is truly superb. There's so much work put into it and it's so neat and nice! Keep up the good work, and I hope you have a nice day 
December 13, 2024 at 11:24:03 PM
Your neocities webpage:
thanks for the guestbook message!
really love how functional and detailed your site is! its so nice to see such a unique and informative site on neocities, i hope you get to create your project one day ^-^
December 11, 2024 at 11:38:26 PM
Your neocities webpage:
Your site is so cool, I'm excited to see what else you'll make! 
December 7, 2024 at 4:32:30 PM
Your neocities webpage:
avedo - storyhub
Thank you for the follow on my page ^_^
I really like how your ability to map has inspired you to make this I think its really fantastical and one day mayhaps I'll be able to make maps as good as thee!!
October 5, 2024 at 1:56:50 AM
Your neocities webpage:
wow, i've been getting around to answering e-mails today and i stumbled upon yours! i guess i might as well answer you here! thank you very much for your e-mail
i took the time to browse your website as well and i just love this whole maps thing you have going on. it's so interesting! i love the hand drawn maps the most. i really think they are super cool to look at even if they are fictional. very clever logo too btw!